Words of Support

Words of Support

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Megan Suliveres

I’m so glad to hear this good news!!!!
  • 4 months ago
  • on 'Port surgery is scheduled!' update

Elise Garner

Will keep praying! You guys are Overcomers and got this! Feel better! oxox
  • 4 months ago
  • on 'Back in the hospital with a fever' update


Sending love and prayers to your family. Hang in there!
  • 4 months ago
  • on 'Back in the hospital with a fever' update

Lindsey Hyman

Prayers up to my PCA family!
  • 4 months ago
  • on 'Back in the hospital with a fever' update

June Gossling

Continuing to pray! I'm so sorry for the continued upheaval!
  • 4 months ago
  • on 'Back in the hospital with a fever' update

Lindsey Hyman

Praise God
  • 4 months ago
  • on 'CANCER FREE🔔🔔🔔' update

Halthea Hill-Latty

This is such awesome news. I am just thanking God for every single bit of good result. Will continue to pray for everything to regularize so he can wrap up treatment
  • 5 months ago
  • on 'Completely normal CT scan!' update


Congrats on being cancer free buddy!
  • 5 months ago
  • with donation

Sara Waymire

That’s wonderful news, Rachel! To God be the glory!
  • 5 months ago
  • on 'Completely normal CT scan!' update


This is amazing news!!! Thanking God for answering our prayers. Our love and hugs to all of you, your Good Shepherd Savannah prayer warriors ❤
  • 5 months ago
  • on 'Completely normal CT scan!' update

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