Words of Support

Words of Support

Donate, send meals, or lend a hand to include words of support.

Michael McClanahan

Meredith, we're praying that the love of Christ and His Church provide you comfort. - McClanahan Family
  • about 1 year ago
  • with donation

Wendy Smith

Praying for your beautiful family.
  • about 1 year ago
  • with donation

Cassandra Smith

In our prayers
  • about 1 year ago
  • with donation

Rachel Griffin

I'm thinking of and praying for you every day.
  • about 1 year ago
  • with donation

Amy Learmonth

Thinking of you and your family ❤️
  • about 1 year ago
  • with donation

Samantha Silafau

From one spouse to another, and a mother of 3 little ones, you are all in my constant prayers and thoughts. May our Heavenly Father hold you tightly and give you strength and comfort in ways only He is can.
  • about 1 year ago
  • with donation

Kathleen Peaks

What a wonderful young man he was. We are so so sorry for your loss. Many prayers 🙏🏻
  • about 1 year ago
  • with donation

Elizabeth Runnells

I have been praying for you and your family. I thought the best words of support I can give you are words from God Himself. "fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God, I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold y...
  • about 1 year ago
  • with donation

Shelley Veit

You are surrounded by love and prayer.
  • about 1 year ago
  • with donation

Melissa Curry

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. My husband went TAD with him to the Philippines spring of 2022, and deployed/supported his squadron in Darwin 2023. He spoke very highly of Maj Lewis.
  • about 1 year ago
  • with donation

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