Words of Support

Words of Support

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I’m so very sorry for the loss of Tanner. I met him at UT- we were both in a club called UT Stand and even traveled in a small group of students to a conference in D.C. Tanner was one of the most humble, vibrant, kind, thoughtful people I have eve...
  • about 23 hours ago
  • with donation


We are praying for the Lord to feel near to you during this difficult time.
  • about 2 months ago
  • with donation

Carlton “Lloyd” Hobkirk and Chrissy

Tanner was a rare soul, he treated everyone he was around like they were the only person in the room. He had a zest for life and was truly honest with himself. If he was passionate about something he would go all in and fully immerse himself whate...
  • 2 months ago
  • with donation

Lucy Garcia

We continue to pray for your family during this time.
  • 2 months ago
  • with donation


We are so sorry for your loss. You are in our prayers.
  • 2 months ago
  • with donation


I am so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your children and Ruthie.
  • 2 months ago
  • with donation


My sincerest condolences Mallory.
  • 2 months ago
  • with donation

Lauren McCann

Tan the man, i’ve been reminiscing on our childhood a lot lately and how lucky I was to have such a sweet, spiritual, adventurous big brother. You helped teach me how to do so many things like play pool, drive a boat, shoot a paintball gun the lis...
  • 3 months ago
  • with donation

Yvonne Malague

I knew Tanner such a short time - he was one of the people who was on the hiring committee at Furst United Methodist in Saint Pete when I bacame thea director over 7 years ago (I have moved on) but I will always rememember his Joy and His love of ...
  • 3 months ago
  • with donation


Mallory you are in our thoughts and prayers. We send you love and hugs.
  • 3 months ago
  • with donation

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