Support Registry Update

Update - Wendy as of July 3

In support of
The Wendy Hood Family
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Friends...I have some amazing testimonies to share with you today.  First, thank you so much for your love and support of our Wendy girl. This has been an overwhelming time for Wendy and her family.  Her health continues to strengthen and she doesn't know the outcome of biopsies just yet, but she is trusting the Lord and doing her part. The doctors have told her not to return to work or do any strenuous activity for 6 months.  For those of us who know her well...this has required a great deal of faith and trust in the Lord.  Wendy is resting in Him, and seeing His goodness even as I type this.  We have had a beautiful start to the fundraising, and folks are reaching out to help around the house.  Here are a couple of amazing example of folks jumping into action: 

1) In the last couple of weeks, she has had several friends show up at her home and farm in support to work with Wendy and Dennis around the house, in the garden, and of course....strengthening each other in communion and worship. Her daughter Taryn is also moving home in a week and a half to serve her Momma and be there for her family.....AND....

2)  Wendy's former pastor, missionary, and life-long friend and mentor, Ron DeMoss, shared the Support Now page and challenged folks who support his own ministry to (for the month of July) to instead give to Wendy!  What a sacrificial gift of love and faith.  Thank you so much Pastor Ron and Linda.  May the Lord return to you 10 fold what you give to others.  For those who know Wendy, you know that she would give the clothes off her back for anyone....this is such a beautiful relationship. 

God is so good!  I will post new needs as they on the lookout for tangible things that can be of great service to them.  We love you all so much and I know your engagement with Wendy at this time will see her and Dennis through this valley.  "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."  Ephesians 3:20-21

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