Support Registry Update

Joe Hospitalization and Reviewing Next Steps

In support of
The Snyder Family
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Hello All, it's been an eventful Presidents Day weekend at the Snyder house.  Fitting for our history and political loving guy!

Joe took a fall at home on Sunday, February 18th.  Thankfully no damage was done and he wasn't hurt in any way.  He was however becoming so weak that he was unable to get himself up from his fall.  After discussions with his Dr, we decided it was best to admit him to the hospital.  Joe and I spent Sunday evening in the ER, where they did all the important scans, bloodwork, pain meds, etc.  The ER dr's determine it was best to admit him.  Joe was/is extremly weak and fatigued to the point where he could no longer do normal at home everyday activities.  

As of today, Thursday, February 22nd, Joe remains in the hospital.  He/we have met with several Drs and most importantly his amazing oncologist, Dr Cohn.  The Dr reviewed all of Joe's scans and found that unfortunatley the oral chemo he was doing is not effective, and his cancer has been spreading.  Dr Cohn's prognosis for Joe is that anymore treatments would only make him weaker and sicker and that the there were no more treatment options at this time.  

We will be making some very important family decisions here in the coming days, mainly whether Joe will attempt to get stronger at a Skilled Rehab Facility or Joe will go home with home hospice care support.  Joe is resting very comfortably in the hospital at the moment, with amazing nurses and doctors.  He is actually more engaging and alert than we have seen him in months, which makes all of our hearts so happy.  Joe has a beautiful suite at the hospital, probably one of the nicest rooms at the hospital.  He has a front row view of the stunning Front Range Colorado mountains.  Our hope for Joe is that whatever decision he makes, he continues to remain pain-free and enjoys his remaining time with all of his family and friends near and far that have been beyond supportive to Joe during this journey.  

Please continue to keep him in your daily thoughts and prayers.  

Much love, Joe, Andrea and Scarlett 

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