Support Registry Update

February Updates

In support of
The Snyder Family
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Hello - It has been a few weeks since I last updated.  Unfortunatley, Joe's health continues to deteriorate.  He is continuing to fight, however he has become very weak and fatigued, Joe spends most days and nights sleeping.  He is eating very little and has lost a tremendous amount of weight.  He is currently hovering around 165, which for Joe a tall 6 ft 2 inch man is incredibly shocking.  He had a recent abdominal ultrasound to see if there was additional blockage as his liver function is declining.  He is becoming a bit jaundice due to the decreased liver function.  The good news is that there is no blockage, however the bad news is that the cancer is causing the liver failure and he will continue to decline.  His oncologist is still allowing him to continue chemotherapy treatment at home, however they have suggested that we approach hospice discussions soon.  They would like to keep Joe and his family as comfortable as possible and provide family assistance.  Those will be very near future discussions.  Joe is still lucid enough to make his health decisions and we want to give him the opportunity to do that.  Joe's pain is well managed, and he is home and resting comfortably.  We have felt so much love and support from our friends and family.  Joe knows he is loved and supported and he is finding peace and comfort in this.  Thank you for everything - Andrea 

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