All Updates

Aug 26, 2024

On the road to recovery

Hey everyone it’s been a busy week but we are finally free of all t...
Aug 23, 2024

Avas Birthday

Today has been a very busy day. Ava turned 9 and we were discharged...
Aug 21, 2024

Avas in surgery

Todays the day. We have awaited this surgery for 6 years. She is in...
Jul 29, 2024

We are home

Hey everyone we are back home. It was a long week of tests and proc...
Jul 23, 2024

Todays been rough

I hoenstly can say in my 11 years of this special needs life this s...
Jul 22, 2024

We made it!

We made it. I have been dreading this week & there have been ad...
Jul 20, 2024

The kids are home from camp

So glad to have them back. It’s been nonstop here with new events p...
Jul 15, 2024

The kids are at camp!!!!

In the midst of all of the chaos the kids have been awaiting going ...
Jul 14, 2024


We finally got the truck fixed yesterday, praise God. So far it see...
Jul 13, 2024

Amazon wishlist

So thankful for some more things that came today from the wishlist....
Jul 12, 2024

Car trouble

Todays been one for the books. We are slowly making our way home af...
Jul 11, 2024

Amazon wishkish

Another much needed item. This is so helpful for cleaning cups etc ...
Jul 11, 2024

Amazon thank you

Thank you so much to whomever sent this. It will come in handy in t...
Jul 11, 2024

Dental update

Todays day 1 of Avas two fillings. Unfortunately we found a few cav...
Jul 10, 2024

Weekly update

Thank you all for following along our journey. Yesterday was a bit ...
Jul 09, 2024

In Support of The Anthony Family

The Support Registry was just created.You can see all support oppor...

Support Registry

Browse all the options to help, in one place.