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Sending love and prayers
2 months ago
with donation
Elizabeth Leeder
Dr. Nair was one of my most influential professors I have ever had. She opened my eyes to the ability of how to have hard conversations about history and how how these topics influxes our daily lives and media today. She encouraged me to pursue my...
2 months ago
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Sofia Kearns
I am finding it very hard to make sense of the loss of this extraordinary human being, who made such a big impact on so many people around her. I remember very well when Savita first arrived at Furman and how she immediately impressed everyone wi...
2 months ago
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Caroline Sistare
Savitaji, you are already so missed! Dr. Nair really helped to shape my last and most influential year at Furman. I went into her classes and our study abroad program with an interest in gender studies and south Asian history but came out with lif...
2 months ago
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Ken and Chirinjev Peterson
Our hearts ache for the loss but are filled with love for you.
2 months ago
with donation
Emily Barksdale
Dr. Nair taught my senior seminar for my Asian Studies major at Furman in spring 2012, and I learned so much from her personally and academically. She was an inspiring, radiant force for good for faculty and students. She beautifully bridged profe...
2 months ago
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Pratima Prasad
May you rest in peace, dear Savita. You were a bright shining light during my graduate school years at Penn when we were roommates. You were one of the kindest people I knew. You touched so many people—including me—with your goodness. I hold on to...
2 months ago
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Anu Sharma
Savita was such a smart, warm, vivacious and generous person. What a beautifully lived life! It’s hard to believe that she is gone. Sending love to the family.
2 months ago
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Holland Grumieaux
Savita was my oldest friend. We became the best of friends in 6th grade so you can imagine some of the memories I have of our days at Van Antwerp Middle School. Memories have been flowing more than ever throughout this week when I heard the news...
2 months ago
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Anjali Arondekar
Savita was one of my first friends in graduate school. I will never forget her generousity, intellect and grace. Return If Possible/RIP
Words of Support
Donate, send meals, or lend a hand to include words of support.
Elizabeth Leeder
Sofia Kearns
Caroline Sistare
Ken and Chirinjev Peterson
Emily Barksdale
Pratima Prasad
Anu Sharma
Holland Grumieaux
Anjali Arondekar