Support Registry Update

Been home for a week! So where do we go from here?

In support of
Brett Burford
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It’s been over a week now since Brett’s been home from the hospital, and thankfully it’s been largely uneventful 🙌🏻 it is so so good to all be able to be here together as a family.

We are adjusting to our new “normal.” 
I went back to work last week - Landmark has been so incredibly supportive & accommodating and my coaching clients have also been so gracious & understanding. Brett is still off work, but thankfully he has plenty of sick leave, so that has been a HUGE relief. Though he feels a little bit better each day, he is still a ways from feeling back to normal. 

We went on a field trip today! Brett’s first one aside from a doctor appointment. He and I went to the Farmer’s Market - our favorite summer activity - then grabbed lunch 🤍

Ezra has been a little trooper. He’s been very gentle and understanding with Brett. He keeps asking to pray for “Daddy’s boo boo.” And in other news, he’s started calling me “Miss Meredith” when he’s trying to get my attention 🤣

So where do we go from here? We wait. We wait for Brett’s hematoma to fully heal. We wait for the results of his genetic testing to come back. We wait for his leg to heal from surgery. We wait to go back to the vascular surgeon at the end of June to come up with the next plan. 

We wait. And in the midst of waiting, we pray. We pray for his blood vessels to miraculously strengthen. We pray for protection from internal bleeds while being on blood thinners. We pray that his leg will strengthen and more blood vessels will develop and compensate for the iliac artery being blocked. 

We pray for endurance for our family. It’s sinking in that there is no quick fix, and honestly, there’s no great solution to all of it right now.

We wait and we pray.

And we cling to God knowing we can trust His plan is good 🤍🙏🏻🕊️

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Lisha Keith

Waiting and praying with you guys! God IS a HEALER! And it IS so! Much love!
  • 8 months ago