Support Registry Update

Wesley's Very Happy Birthday!

In support of
Wesley Peterson
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Hey friends,

Wesley had the best birthday EVER- his words. We are so thankful that he felt as good as the weather to celebrate it!

Our school completely surprised us with a parade and ice cream party! We are still in shock and a puddle emotion over the outpouring support. He got a big basket of the sweetest cards and is still slowly working through them, I will scrapbook them one of these days. Watch some clips here-

We planned a super last minute birthday party at the house when it was starting to look like he'd be up for it. We let him pick six friends and all six families cleared their schedules and helped me throw it together.

He had a blast and felt so loved and encouraged. Thank you for being our village and walking through this with us, we are just in awe of the support we've been shown.

Much love,

The Petersons 

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Kristi Sukkert

There was not a dry house at PCA on Thursday. We love Wesley and are praying for him and your family daily. I am so glad he had such a good birthday!!
  • 6 months ago

Kristi Sukkert

That should read "dry eye"!
  • 6 months ago

Cheryl Benz

  • 6 months ago

Connie Adams

We are so thankful and happy to celebrate Wesley!
  • 6 months ago