Support Registry Update

Today marks one month & we are back in the hospital

In support of
Wesley Peterson
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Hey friends,

We had to rush him back to the hospital yesterday evening when he spiked a high fever, he has the common cold but his blood counts are extremely low so it is really severe. 

He is also experiencing some very gruesome chemo side effects. He is getting a low-dose morphine pump to manage pain and we are about to start TPN nutrition because he can no longer eat, drink or speak due to pain.

Please be praying for relief and comfort over his little body and understanding in his little mind. Michael and I are having a very hard time helplessly watching him be in so much pain and figuring out the logistics of managing another last minute hospital stay. Selfishly, we are just mourning normalcy... we were planning on a date night last night, I was excited to return to work for a few days this week and just have the whole family under one roof. Today is the one month mark of this battle beginning and the reality of it all is setting in.

We will add more to the support registry tonight once we can sit down and process exactly what our needs are through the next week. Thank you for walking this awful road along side us, we appreciate you more than we will ever be able to express. 

Much love,

The Petersons 

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So sorry to hear of this setback! May the Lord uphold you all by His righteous right hand! 🙏💜🙏
  • 7 months ago

Sherri Cyr

Will be praying❣️
  • 7 months ago

Jennifer McDonald

Praying for pain relief and being able to go back home.
  • 7 months ago

Cheryl Benz

Interceding for healing and for your whole family!
  • 7 months ago

Dawn Brown

So sorry this is happened. Praying that this episode is short-lived and he will be home soon playing with his siblings.
  • 7 months ago

Donna Harvatd

Sending prayers for Mr. Wesley♡ Keeping you all in our thoughts and special prayers for you and the kids♡♡
  • 7 months ago

Kelsey Goldfarb

Sending lots of prayers to Wesley, you Michael and the whole Peterson family <3
  • 7 months ago

Morolape Odumade

Praying for Wesley and for you all!
  • 7 months ago

Jen Osborne

We are remembering your son Wesley and all of your family and medical staff in prayer. You are continually on our church prayer list and with each update we receive I immediately send to our prayer group. If it helps to know….these people are faithful in praying. Know that your family is being lifted up before the Lord. Ps 37
May you sense His presence and His love. 🙏🏻
  • 7 months ago