Support Registry Update

Test results, next steps & THANK YOU!!

In support of
Wesley Peterson
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We just spoke with the doctor and his spinal fluid did not have any cancer cells. They are running more tests on his bone marrow but the tests they have done look good. They are confident that we caught it early. We are praising God that it originated inside his bowels, a spot that could not be ignored long.

The plan right now is to let his body have a few more days to recover from all his surgeries. We have an appointment for Friday morning at 9:30 for a sedated PET scan to get a better look at the concerning spot in his abdomen. After the PET scan, we will meet with the entire team to agree on a treatment plan and will start in-patient treatment Friday night. 

We are floored by the support we have received and we will never be able to thank you enough. It has been such a comfort to our family in such an uncertain time. Thank you all for being the hands and feet of Jesus.

We had a wonderful weekend at home. Wesley really enjoyed gaming and movie marathons with his friends and turning the couch in our bedroom into a safe little fort that he has been sleeping in. All the kids got special quality time with us and understand what is happening on age appropriate levels. Michael and I even got to sneak away for a date.

I put together a little video-->

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Jennifer McDonald

What a great update! Continuing to pray for all of you.
  • 8 months ago


such wonderful news
  • 8 months ago

Connie Adams

Praise God! We will certainly continue to pray for all of you!
  • 8 months ago

Margo Palmer

Praising God for this good news. Asking His guidance for your path forward.
  • 8 months ago

Jen Bass

We love you guys and we are praying for Wesley everyday! God is Great and I know he has his hand on Wesley! Stay strong for your little man! You guys are the most amazing parents! 🙏🏻💙
  • 8 months ago


This is wonderful news! We praise God with you! Thank you for keeping us updated. Our prayer team at church is praying for Wesley and all of you. This is wonderful news we praise God with you! Continuing to trust Him and His faithfulness!
  • 8 months ago


That is so encouraging and we are so thankful.
  • 8 months ago