Support Registry Update

Second Surgery & Scans

In support of
Wesley Peterson
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Today started off fun with visitors and a PT session that included racing down the hallways in little carts.

He had three procedures done under anesthesia- port placement, spinal tap and bone marrow "poke". He also had more imaging done. If nothing concerning comes back on his scans, they will let us come home for the long weekend and be re-admitted to start chemotherapy on Tuesday. It was a very rough and traumatic day. Spirits were not good.

Please pray for comfort and peace for Wesley. Pray with us as we await the results that will stage his cancer and guide our treatment plan. 

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Michael Peterson

He was so brave today
  • 8 months ago

Trena Key

The day was rough but Wesley really enjoyed playing the games with uncle Ryan tonight and eating a lot !!! He is sleeping peacefully tonight . Mimi
  • 8 months ago

Donna Harvatd

Dear Rachel and Michael,
Just heard about our little Wesley. 😥 I am heart sick to say the least. Please know I will do what I can to help out. Let us know specifically if you need anything from us. We love you guys! Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers ❤
  • 8 months ago

Lizabeth Grage

Prayers for Wesley, his family and medical support team❣️
  • 8 months ago

Margie Mallow

Praying and praying. ❤️
  • 8 months ago