Support Registry Update

Save the Date!!! *June 30*

In support of
Wesley Peterson
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Hey friends,

We are slowly winding down, catching up and catching our breath. Wesley is doing amazing! He is back to school, he finally got his gecko and is just back to being a normal kid again... playing with legos, terrorizing his sisters, playing in mud and all that good stuff that we will never take for granted again.

We've decided to celebrate his cancer victory a little later in the summer because Wesley's says it's not over until his port is out! We have a follow up appointment May 1st and will most likely schedule his port removal in the following weeks. 

*SAVE THE DATE FOR JUNE 30TH* we will celebrate Wesley and everyone who carried us through this, we'd also like to share the whole story to include the devine little details that paved the way for us.

Much love,

The Petersons 

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