Support Registry Update

Good news!

In support of
Wesley Peterson
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Hey friends,

We got discharged late last night as he finished up the chemo portion of this round. Currently, he's feeling great. He will be admitted for his *LAST* round March 27th. The doctor's are all pleased with his scans and labs, his body has responded beautifully to treatment and his risk of relapse is very low, praise the Lord! 

How you can be praying~

-Continued wisdom, endurance in strength for Wesley, our family and core support 

-No fever/sickness and mild mucositis the remainder of this round. Complete comfort and healing over his little body.

-A smooth process as we are running towards the adoption finish line with our youngest two, we will have a lot to celebrate this summer! (Audit mentioned last week went well)

Birthday details, March 14th~

-Cards can be sent to:  847 Jami Ct, Lawrenceville, GA 30046

-He has been immensely loved with care packages and has more than he needs gift wise. If you'd like to send something, consider an experience: airbnb giftcards (we've passed alot of time in the hospital planning adventures) or putting a little money towards six flags, aquarium, fernbank, etc. memberships for him to look forward to this summer. **Will continue to update, he has received a membership to the ATL zoo.

I'm exhausted from the late discharge, not feeling the best from chemo exposure (hazard spill) and just in bed today... Lanier brought me breakfast in bed - leftover mac & cheese and applesauce complete with silverware and napkins. Wesley brought me hot coffee, exactly how I like it. They are learning how to love, serve, and just be there in such a tangible way. Thank you all for being our village and demonstrating God's love to our family so powerfully.


Much love,

The Petersons 

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Cheryl Benz

Praying for rest, growth, and provision. Looking forward to celebrating with you
  • 6 months ago

Sara Waymire

So glad to hear it! We'll be praying for all of these things!
  • 6 months ago


This is amazing news and we are thanking God! Your family will continue to be our prayers. Trusting our faithful Father for His healing touch, compassion and love 💘
Your Good Shepherd Savannah prayer warriors ❤❤❤
  • 6 months ago

Priscilla Bailey

Wont He do it! Just step back and watch!
  • 6 months ago

Elise Garner

That is AWESOME!! Continued Prayers for you guys! oxox
  • 6 months ago

Carolyn Huffstutler

Even though we don't know each other in person, I started following you as you were my beach body coach years ago, I pray for you and your family every morning and will continue. So happy you guys get a break. Praise the Lord.
  • 6 months ago

Susana Costa

I don’t know you, but I’m a mother , I can almost feel your pain! We’ll keep praying, my son was so happy to see him at school today , he believe he saw him on the golf cart. I hope you received our bday card. I love you guys already! Many blessings
  • 6 months ago