Support Registry Update

CT Scan Results & a mental health weekend at home

In support of
Wesley Peterson
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His CT results came back with only one concerning spot near where the tumor was removed in his bowel. They are confident in sending us home for the long weekend and re-admitting us on Tuesday or Wednesday while we wait on results from his spinal tap and bone marrow that will guide the direction of his treatment.

He will start treatment when we are re-admitted. The doctor ordered a "normal as possible weekend" for the whole family before we start the long haul.

Thank you for your prayers and support. We have been comforted and overwhelmed by the support. We are seeing God's hand in so many of the little details. Thank you for being our village. 

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Sherry Edwards

Yeah for a weekend at home! Praying for a sweet time together.
  • 8 months ago

June Gossling

Love that you are going to be home for the holiday weekend!
  • 8 months ago

Rachel Douglass

Wonderful news for a weekend at home. Praying for an excellent "normal"time together and positive results from the waiting tests.
  • 8 months ago

Kristi Ritter

So happy you get a weekend at home! Sending so much love, positive thoughts and prayers your way from Oklahoma!
  • 8 months ago

Tamara Elliott

We are stunned to hear the news about Wesley! Prayers for a nice weekend at home, great results from
the tests and a treatment plan that he will tolerate well! I pray also that the Lord will heal Wesley!
  • 8 months ago

Rod Entrekin

Rachel, you don’t know us but Christy and I are members of NCC and we commit that we will be praying for your family and especially for Wesley during this hard time. We have also experienced cancer in our immediate family and can imagine the range of emotions and the hardship that you’re experiencing. Father, we ask that your grace abound in the Peterson’s lives to enable them to trust you for Wesley’s and their future. We pray and ask that this trust will dispel fear. Even we ask, give them joy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
  • 8 months ago

Dajanique Johnson

Aaliyah and I will be praying for your week ahead and im so thankful he was able take a mini break this weekend! Love you all 🫶🏽
  • 8 months ago

Alysha Cleberg

Rachel, we don’t really know each other that well except from our little community on fb :) but I’ve always loved seeing your family grow through posts and photos 💙 🖤. My church family and I have been praying for Wesley and for the rest of your family as you go through this. I can not imagine the draining emotion - we are praying for peace and comfort and joy for Wesley during the hard times! Also wisdom for the doctors! My son wants to write him a letter he’s 7 and we will be sending some other fun things for him :)
  • 8 months ago

Carolyn Brannan

Rachel, we have not met. We are members at NCC. We heard the news about Wesley during the service yesterday. Our hearts go out to you and your family. We will be diligently praying for Wesley and for all of you in the days and weeks ahead. Praying that God will carry you and hold you close through this difficult time.
  • 8 months ago