Support Registry Update

CT Scan Results

In support of
Wesley Peterson
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Hey friends,

We are finally home! Today is the first day since diagnosis that we've been home AND he feels good. He is soaking up every second and even insisted on a walk in the rain.

His CT scan results from yesterday are "beautiful" and show no evidence of active cancer, exactly what the doctors are looking for at this point in treatment. He still has enlarged abdominal lymphnodes but they expect those to decrease over the next two rounds of chemotherapy and as his bowels continue to heal from surgery.

The plan is to stay healthy and have a really fun rest of the week/weekend and move back into CHOA next Tuesday for his next round.

Thank you for your support and prayers,

The Petersons  


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Celia Lehman

Praise Jesus!!!! I am so glad. Wesley is such a fighter and turd king!!! :)
  • 6 months ago

Andrea Briggs

This photo is precious and makes my heart so happy! Grateful to see your sweet boy doing something so ordinary. Continuing to pray for his healing!
  • 6 months ago


Praise God. What a praise report. We are all praying for and with you. God is SUPREME.

Thank you Lord for your Goodness.

Wesley you are a champ!!! We love you 💗.

Brown family (NCC)
  • 6 months ago

Margo Palmer

Praise God for this good report!
  • 6 months ago

Cheryl Benz

Praying for a beautiful weekend with loads of rest and joy!
  • 6 months ago


This is fantastic news! Praise God for His faithfulness. Prayer is powerful. Our Lord is listening and Wesley's Good Shepherd Savannah prayer warriors will keep praying! Love and hugs to all of you. You're not walking through this alone. ✝️ 💜
  • 6 months ago

Hannah Ryan

He looks likes he’s having a blast in the rain!
  • 6 months ago

Morgan Younts

Keeping y’all in my prayers
  • 6 months ago