Support Registry Update

Surgery Day Update

In support of
The Zeidman Family
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I am happy to report that Anat had a succesful surgery today. She showed up bright and early at 5 AM and went in to surgery smiling. After a 9 hour operation, we met with the doctor at 5:30 this evening and he reported that he was able to remove the entire tumor (he will confirm this with an MRI tomorrow). Her speech does not appear to be impacted and her memory was sharp. She was also able to move her fingers and toes and arms/legs, a sign that her mobility will be fine. We know we have some long days ahead, but for now, all is ok. 

Anat was determined and confident - she knew what needed to be done, and she did it. She was my source of confidence today, and I am so deeply proud of her. We are eternally grateful to Dr. Fred Lang and his entire team at MD Anderson. For them, it was just another day in the office, but for us, it was life changing. 

I will send a more detailed update over the weekend, but please know she is stable, safe, and all smiles. We both feel your love and prayers. We have so enjoyed hearing from and seeing friends and family near and far, old and new.  



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Daniel Cotlar

Baruch Hashem!
  • 6 months ago


This update brings me and Lindsay a lot of relief and inspiration! We are so happy to hear that the procedure went well and that Anat is responding positively after a grueling 9 hours. We will continue hope and pray for a good report from your medical team and are sending our love and best wishes for a quick and speedy recovery!
  • 6 months ago


This is wonderful to hear. I’m praying for a full recovery.
  • 6 months ago

Tracy Stein

I couldn’t have asked for better news and I am hopeful Anat will have a complete return quickly to her normal life. This chapter reminds us what is the most important thing in life.
  • 6 months ago

Margot Athon

Excellent news and answered prayers. Praying for rest and continued recovery. We love you.
  • 6 months ago


Jay, I know it has been a long day. This is wondeful good early news after a long surgery. God is good. Your family is loved and is ministering to people. I'm so grateful that Anat has the surgery behind her and is resting tonight. Answered prayers today. Hug to all of you.
  • 6 months ago


Such great news!!! Anat and your family remain in our prayers.
  • 6 months ago

Jose Sena

Prayers answered! Such great news to hear. Anat is a warrior and grateful for the hands of the doctors and equally for Jay keeping us informed during such time.

Praying and declaring complete recovery for all the days ahead 🙏🏼.
  • 6 months ago

roy bailey

Answer to prayer Jay 🙏
I am so thankful to hear the good update
  • 6 months ago

Laura Monroe

What blessed news! I prayed throughout the day and will continue on the days/weeks ahead. Love to you both.
  • 6 months ago

Kathleen Feller

Absolutely wonderful news!
  • 6 months ago

Charles Carter

That’s positive news! Thanks for sharing. Please tell her I’m thinking of her.
  • 6 months ago

Joy Kaplan

Thank you for taking the time to keep us in the loop. Sending so much love to your entire family.
  • 6 months ago


So great to hear! Continued thoughts and prayers for a quick and full recovery!
  • 6 months ago

Megan O'Malley

So happy to hear this!!
  • 6 months ago

Alex Martin

Outdamnstanding! Prayers for you all!
  • 6 months ago

Martin Trevino

Great news! Thank you for keeping us updated, Jay! As your family continues to walk through this difficult season, just know that you guys have an army of people praying for you! Be blessed, God is real!
  • 6 months ago

Bret Kadison

Thanks for sharing and terrific new! Y’all remain in my prayers for a speedy recovery.
  • 6 months ago


Such good news, answer to prayer!
  • 6 months ago


I am humbled by the strength & confidence of your beautiful wife and family. I thank God for his infinite mercy and power to heal as he cradles Anat, her doctors and your family in his loving arms as she continues her recovery.
  • 6 months ago

DiAnne Graham

So happy to hear this great report, Jay. Answers prayers, indeed. Will continue to pray for Anat and your entire family as Anat recovers from the surgery. Sending lots of love!
  • 6 months ago

Michelle Wright

Praise God Jay. Prayers for a swift recovery. Most importantly prayers for a benign pathology report. Love to Anat.
  • 6 months ago

Michelle Wright

Praise God Jay. Prayers for a swift, full recovery Most importantly prayers for a benign pathology report. Love to Anat and family.
  • 6 months ago


Zeidman’s …What a wonderful
report… you are truly blessed with so much love and support … count me among them!
Love Florence
  • 6 months ago


Smiling with you.
  • 6 months ago


Great news Jay!! We wish you, Anat and the rest of your family a speedy recovery.
  • 6 months ago


So, so glad to see this update! Sending my best for a complete recovery as soon as possible.
  • 6 months ago


Fantastic news!
  • 6 months ago

Rozalie Jerome

What a wonderful report.
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
  • 6 months ago

Nancy Freed

Thank u, Jay, for your well written reporting! Anat’s name has been added to my Friday nite prayer list as well as many others.
You’re in good hands with MD ANDERSON & you’re in G-d’s hands as well!
May Anat continue to improve , day by day! Refuah Shelamah🌸🌸🌸🌸
  • 6 months ago

Jean Mazvinsky

So happy that Anat’s surgery went well and send our prayers and love to you all.
Love, Jean and Norman
  • 6 months ago

Tom Caughlin

Fantastic news!

  • 6 months ago