Support Registry Update

Miya is still fighting!

In support of
The Trigg Family
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Hello everyone! 

I wanted to give you all a very quick update concerning our girl. She has gained weight, which makes her and the oncology team so happy. Presently, they have had to decrease her dose of chemo due to her ANC number being too low for treatment. Her hearing has also been affected by about 30%. So we are prayerful that her hearing will return speedily. 
Otherwise, Miss Miya is nearing the very end of this journey! With the help of our beloved family and friends, like you - we have been blessed abundantly! GOD IS FAITHFUL! He touches our hearts daily through you all! I thank Him upon my every memory of you all. 

Be well. I pray you are blessed!
Denise and The Trigg Family

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Amen! We're interceding and believing God with you all! We love yall!
  • 26 days ago

Rocky Trigg

We love and continue to pray for Miya and her healing, We know she has the best support surrounding her, God her family and friends. Even though we don't get to see her as often she is always in our prayers and on our mind. Love You Miya!!!
  • 26 days ago

Tina Williams

Believing for total healing and restoration for Miya. For with God, all things are possible. I am interceding in prayer, continually, and stand with you all Denise-Paul & family with open arms. I love you so much 💗
  • 26 days ago