Support Registry Update


In support of
Zeke Nobles
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Last Monday, February 5th, we received the amazing news that Zeke's bone marrow showed no leukemia cells. This puts us in the super favorable outcome category, with the easiest of the hard paths of cancer. The road ahead is still long, with 6 more months of weekly chemo, followed by two years of monthly maintenance. 

Sadly, our rejoicing was quelled with a trip to the ED on Friday because of a high fever. After six hours and multiple tests, he was sent home only to be called back in for hospital admission on Saturday morning. They found bacteria in his blood and believed it was a line infection. We were admitted with the hope that it was a false positive and a belief that we would be out of the hospital in 48 hours. Unfortunately, further testing revealed that it was in fact a blood infection, with a bacteria that requires ten days of IV antibiotics. Our scheduled release date is February 20th, pending any more positive samples, which will add days onto our stay. 

We feel the tension and frustration but are ultimately resigned to the whiplash that is childhood cancer. We are alternating days at the hospital and days with the girls, as well as days going into work- continuing to fit cancer into our lives, not fit our lives into cancer. 

We will claw our way to some sense of fake normalcy if we have to. 

Our prayers:
-That Bryson and I would remain connected, despite the week and a half apart.
-That we would have no more positive blood cultures and be allowed to go home on the 20th.
-We are also starting consolidation, which includes IV chemo and oral chemo, we are praying Zeke's body handles the chemo well and it doesnt rob him of the ability to walk, again. 

So much gratitude and love,

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I’m so sorry about the news of the blood infection. With you. Love you.
  • 8 months ago

Cassidy Daniel

Praying now! With you Nobles fam.
  • 8 months ago


Continuing to pray for God's hands in Zeke's ultimate healing and His continued wisdom and guidance for Zeke's doctor's and caretakers. Also for prayers for your comfort and counsel through Him in this difficult season of treatment.
  • 8 months ago

Madison Spek

Praying for Zeke and your entire family throughout these days.
  • 8 months ago

gabby hachem

continually in my prayers
  • 8 months ago


Praying for this with you! Love you guys!
  • 8 months ago


Praying for connection, home on the 20th, and for Zeke to handle consolidation really well!
  • 8 months ago

alyssa weeks

Praying now for all of those things!!!
  • 8 months ago


Praying for you friends and will continue to pray until we hear Zeke is back home!
We love you very much. I'm in constant awe of you two and your family
  • 8 months ago

Jaclyn Small

Continuing to keep the Nobles family in our thoughts and prayers.
  • 8 months ago

Kim Symes

Praying for Zeke and each prayer request mentioned!! Love each one of you!
  • 8 months ago

Renee McKenzie

Praying for Zeke and for antibiotics to clear ALL infection. Praying for peace and calm over your family and continued strengthening and connection in your marriage no matter what this storm brings!
  • 8 months ago

Carrie Hand

Praying Sarah! Know that you are all surrounded in prayer and deeply loved.
  • 8 months ago

Dena Johnson

We are so sorry to hear about this setback! We had no idea but we now have a whole army of faithful followers praying over Zeke, you, Bryson and those precious girls. We believe God is in the room and will heal our little Zeke! We love y’all and just wish this was not happening but It is and God will see y’all through this. Give Zeke a big hug from us!
  • 8 months ago

Heidi Wood

Oh Sarah! My heart breaks for that sweet little guy and for your family as a whole! Praying for Zeke’s healing, and for each member of your family to experience peace and unity amidst the chaos. ❤️
  • 8 months ago