Support Registry Update

12/10/24 - R4 Captain's Log

In support of
The Berndt Family
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I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving!  Given the great update from my last round of scans I know we spent time reflecting on this journey and the deep gratitude we have.  God is good and you all are so incredible.

If we have learned one thing, it's that nothing is to be expected.  Round 4 went relatively smoothly but my Neulasta automated shot came out on Friday before it dispensed so I had to go into the infusion center on Saturday morning at 7:30am to get a shot.  Normally that would not be a big deal except that I start pain meds on Friday night and those puppies are no joke.  Unfortunately, the unexpected drive to / from the infusion center and being up on my feet triggered some dizziness and nausea that I haven't had in other rounds. We were never able to fully kick it but we survived and like last round, I had an incredible caretaker looking after me.

In full transparency, this round was unexpectedly tougher emotionally for me.  On one hand I felt okay but on the other hand, I felt like I could burst into tears at any given moment.  I think the "relief" of my scan results and knowing it's working allowed me to relax in some way, like my body has been in a constant state of "fight mode" and it finally let down. I have to remind myself that I have cancer.  It's a lot to process on any given day.  I sometimes forget that I might need to be sad for a little while.  

So what's next, we met with Dr. Yap and scheduled my debulking (removing tumors) and full hysterectomy for January 8th.  I originally thought I would have 8 weeks to heal but the surgery only takes the place, timing wise, of one round of chemo so I'll be getting chemo again at the beginning of February if everything goes as planned.

The surgery itself will be a combination of laparoscopic and a vertical abdominal incision (no reusing that dang c-section scar like I had hoped).  I would appreciate you all joining me in prayer that the doctor finds every last bit of cancer, is able to remove it and that I have a fast, full recovery with no complications.  

My tumors will be sent off to pathology and what we learn about the tumors will impact my treatment plan and if there are any additional medications to help fight off recurrence, which unfortunately is relatively high for stage III.  I can share more once we know more but I'll be getting regular blood tests and scans for a total of five years, I know... it's a long time to hold your breath.

Anyway, lets focus on what we know.  I know we'll be enjoying the rest of December with NO TREATMENTS.  Please pray my WBC and ANC levels stay high enough to enjoy Christmas, sneak out for our traditional Waffle House breakfast and head south for a quick trip to Florida for New Years.

As always, thank you for your prayers, the incredible dinners, thoughtful cards, meaningful gifts, beautiful flowers, allegedly delicious Miller Lites and all of the ongoing support.  We love you and appreciate everything you have done for our family.

Until January, no news is good news.

We Got This 🩡

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Continued prayer for you all. Specifically that your doctor removed all cancer from you beautiful body and make a full recovery. I pray for safe travels as you celebrate Christmas and the new year. Much love and hugs to you friend. You got this! I’d say you’ve done an incredible job at kicking cancers ass so far 😘
  • about 1 month ago

Jennine Vann

We are praying for you!
  • about 1 month ago

Amanda Hayes

  • about 1 month ago

Ellen Evans

You are so strong! I hope you can continue to enjoy and recover for the rest of this month and through the holidays. It's a perfect time to have some of your quieter days! Then ready to get rid of it all with your surgery! Continuing to say so many prayers for you.
  • about 1 month ago

Noreen Daniels

Monica this is such good news in so many ways. It sucks that you were feeling crappy but so happy it’s improving. We’re hoping to see you over Christmas and I pray every day for good things happening to you and your family. Hugs to you until I see you again.
  • about 1 month ago


I know each step you are taking in this journey is so hard but you are so mentally strong you will get through this. And you do have friends and family praying for a fast and easy recovery from your upcoming surgery. Sending you lots of hugs! 🩷 you!
  • about 1 month ago

Tara Colon

We are thinking and praying for you. Hope your Christmas is everything you wish for!
  • about 1 month ago