Support Registry Update

11/4/24 - Chemo R3 Delay & Prayer Requests

In support of
The Berndt Family
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Picture first. This weekend we went to the Atlanta United playoff game with several families and 68k fans, don't worry, I wore a mask except for pictures.  Our group tickets were through a local soccer club and all of the kids were entered into a lottery for a fan experience and Garrett got to be a player mascot and escorted soccer legend Luis Suarez #9 of Inter Miami onto the field.  We are thankful that I feel well (or determined) enough to continue to create such fun memories for our family.  It was an exciting game, ATL got the win and we all had so much fun.

Now a quick update with some good news, my new or tbd appointment dates and prayer requests.

The week I found out I had cancer they ordered a CA-125 blood test, this test is not diagnostic for ovarian cancer but lets doctors know there is something going on that they should check out, the normal range is 30 and my level was 440.  They watch this number during chemo and expect it to drop and my last labs came back at 176!  This doesn’t necessarily mean my tumors are shrinking as inflammation and a lot of factors can influence those numbers but it is a good sign that I am responding to the treatments.

A couple of dates have changed since my last update and since I know I have a legion of prayer warriors I wanted to share the following.  I will update with actual dates as new appointments are confirmed.

11/12 - Round 3/6 of Chemo: My ANC (including my white blood count) is not high enough for treatment.  I am currently at 910 and and I need to get to 1500. They delayed my chemo from 11/5 by a week so my body has time to naturally recover.  Please pray that I stay healthy and my blood cell counts recover this week.  Please continue to pray that the chemo continues to kill the cancer cells and that we are able to minimize the side effects with my new medication.

New Date TBD - Genetic Testing: As odd as it may sound, I would love to have some sort of genetic confirmation as to why I got cancer at such a young age. It will give the doctors valuable information and help them treat me during the maintenance period to help reduce recurrence.  It will also be important information for my kids and their kids one day…

Week of 11/25 - Follow Up PET Scan: BIG prayer request here is that we get great news that my tumors have shrunk and my hearts deepest wish, that they have even gone away?

Week of 11/25 - Follow Up Doctor Appt: That God continues to guide my care team and next steps are clear for my treatment.

Please keep the journal pages coming to Sarah.  I read them on chemo days when we get to the infusion center and it brings me so much joy. I love reading the thoughtful messages, hearing your personal and inspiring stories, reliving some of our hilarious memories and just hearing from family and friends near and far.

Thank you for the BEST JUJU a girl could ask for.  

We. Got. This 🩵

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Thinking and praying for you and your family Monica!
Hang in there 💗
  • 3 months ago

Laura Stammer

Thankful that you were healthy enough to create such a wonderful memory for the boys this weekend! Continued prayers coming your way. All signs moving the right direction! Keep fighting hard and embrace the love of all your boys!
  • 3 months ago

Maurizio Cerri

Dear Monica, may God's abiding love give you strength and comfort during this difficult time. Beba and I are praying for you and wish you a speedy recovery.
  • 3 months ago

Anne Bernstein

Monica I think about you often and still see the fight and the positive energy you put out for you and your family. I know having a positive attitude helps. Keep fighting the fight and I will continue to pray that your treatments are doing what they have to to get you to the other side of this.
  • 3 months ago


Monica; Thanks for the update. How wonderful for Garrett to have such a moment and for you to share it with him. I will be praying for the counts to come up and for the pet scan to show real signs of progress so that on thanksgiving day, we can say a prayer of true gratitude. Hang in there, girl! We know you can lick this! Love to Matt and the boys.
  • 3 months ago


I will be saying prayers for you Monica that all goes well and your health gets better and you feel stronger! Keep focused on love and happiness, friends and family to continue on your journey back to restored health. Sending you Love ❤️!
  • 3 months ago

Robin Widmann

You got this! Thank you for the updates. Our prayers lassos are with you every week. Keep the positive vibes my fav WONDER WOMAN!💪🏼❤️
  • 3 months ago