Support Registry Update

Prayers Appreciated. Re-admission.

In support of
Paisley Teague
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Hey friends. An update came sooner than anticipated. 

Unfortunately the last 24-28 hours have not been gracious to Paisley. She was doing so well and we were all amazed at how great she was doing! But yesterday morning, 4/23/24, she threw up a total of 3 times within an hour and in turn, losing her morning meds. I called the neurosurgeon, as we had not been dealing with nausea, and voiced my concerns and asked what we should do. They instructed me to give her Zofran and monitor her for the next 2 hours. She slept. And slept. And slept. Once she woke up she said she felt fine and was her post-surgery "normal" self. YAY!

Around 10:30-11:00pm things shifted. She was back to vomiting everything, even a cap of water. She was crying in immense pain. Nothing was helping. So around 3:30-4am we made the decision to bring her to Levine's ER. She was sick multiple times from the house to Levine's. They tried to give her Zofran and some pain meds and ordered a CT. The CT showed normal readings, the Zofran made her sleepy, and the pain meds done nothing. They handed us discharge papers with an appointment on Friday for another CT. We didn't make it out of the room before Paisley went pale, got sick, started shaking, couldn't stand, and almost passed out on me!! After multiple failed attempts to manage her pain, we are now being admitted. The only relief she is getting is from being medicated to sleep. 

Please pray that God heals her little head and takes this pain from her! It's unbearable to watch as a helpless mother beside her bed. Pray that God lays a hand on Paisley's daddy, Bradley, to give him comfort as he is home holding it down with the boys. I know his heart is torn as well. Pray God guides these doctors to the problem and helps them fix it for her. 

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Tammy Thompson

So sorry to hear this Sadie. My prayers are with and for all of you. I feel confident that God still has Paisley in his care.
  • 9 months ago