Support Registry Update


In support of
Paisley Teague
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Hello everyone! I know it's been a long time waiting on an update. I'm sorry! But trust me, we've not had much luck either. There was a scheduling conflict as well as a conflict between the oncologist and the neurosurgeon on how to proceed. 

First and foremost, we appreciate all over the support you guys have shown through prayers, donations, offering help, phone calls, texts, etc. It has been a true blessing to see all the lives our babygirl has touched. 

I just had a phone call with the neurosurgeon personally and he informed me that the poor communication skills that his assistant possesses, have put her "on the way out". He also provided information about the surgery, recovery, and some possible issues that may arise in the future regarding the placement of the tumor. So as of today, we are looking at a partial craniotomy to biopsy the tumor as well as reduce the size of the tumor. If we do not reduce the size, he fears it will very soon cut off the flow of spinal fluid and would cause Paisley to have hydrocephalus and we would have a very sick child very quickly. So I am thankful he's being proactive with that. The surgery will take approximately 2 hours and we will be in the hospital for anywhere from 24hours to 4 days. The surgery will be Thursday, April 18, 2024. Paisley is in good spirits and says that she bets the room will be full of flowers, squishmallows, and cards. 🤭 Her main concern is being away from her brothers. Oh to be so resilient! 

I will update here when they start, when she is in the recovery room, and when we are ready for visits. But please keep her in your prayers over the next little bit. 

Thank you all and feel free to send me an email or text message with any questions! or (828)302-4005. We love and appreciate you all! God Bless. 

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Kelly Moose

Sadie, I will definitely be praying for all of you and the staff taking care of Paisley.
  • 11 months ago

Anna Grindstaff

Covering you all in prayers
  • 11 months ago