Support Registry Update

smooth recovery

In support of
Morgan's upcoming surgery
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Thank you all for all the love and support!!!!  The messages, gifts for Morgan, groceries, help with Callie, gift cards and donations have meant so much to us and reminded us of what a wonderful community we have.

Morgan's recovery has been incredibly smooth.  After a day in the PICU following surgery, we transitioned to a regular floor and were able to come home last Thursday (which was earlier than we expected!)  Since being home, Morgan has been in such great spirits, and really acting as if this major surgery was no big deal!  He is so resilient!  He will go back to school later this week with some precautions in place, and he is so excited to see friends.  Then at the end of next week he will have his post-op appointment, and next month he will be doing physical therapy 2x a week to continue his recovery process!

Thank you all again for all of the love and support!

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