In Support of Karen Vaughan

Hello Family + Friends. First, let me start off by saying we’re forever grateful for all the support Karen had received in the last couple years, whether it was through giving your time or money, or simply gently being there spiritually & emotionally for her. She has felt indescribable love from her family & friends. 
For those of you who are new to the story: Karen was diagnosed w/ Stage 4 Colon Cancer in 2022. She proceeded with multiple rounds of agressive chemo, a 21-procedure intensive surgery (HIPEC), in addition to lifestyle & alternative care. After everything she was finally given the beautiful news of "No evidence of disease" In Oct of '23
Yet, life has thrown us a curveball. We knew this was an aggressive cancer with high chance of recurrence, yet we hoped it was gone for good as she had achieved remission. After all, she’s endured so much that would've done the job. However, the aggressive cancer we thought was gone, has slowly found it's way back. Our dear Karen has been battling again since early this year and needs to start treatment again as soon as possible. Unfortunately, her options are now more limited and as many of you may know that with treatment comes increased expenses and strain on her family. It's an immensely challenging time for all of us, but we know we'll get through it with the support of our strong faith & community. We've set up a support registry where you can help. Relief towards health related expenses, no matter how big or small, will make an immense difference and give her the best chance to overcome this as she strives to share her findings and experience with others, advocating cancer prevention for all. I know we’ve done this before and I know we can do it again. Let's rally together to support Karen through this journey. Here's how you can help:
1. Choose from Support Registry options
2. ‘Share' to Spread the Word to family and friends who you think would care about this cause
3. Support her small business with an order of TShirts for your company or organization. Supporters receive an additional 10% off fair market pricing. You can submit your request by text to 954-701-0065.

Periodic updates will also be provided to donors. Karen openly shares her journey on @kancerfreekaren
Thank you so much for your love & support.


Support Registry

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Karen Slosaski

Organized by Carolina Hayslip and Karen Slosaski.

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Words of Support

Donate, send meals, or lend a hand to include words of support.

Vanessa Martinez

You are a true warrior! The epitome of strength and grit. Beautiful inside and out 🤍
  • about 2 months ago
  • with donation


You're an awesome inspiration, always rooting for you.
  • about 2 months ago
  • with donation

JRC Engrav-A-Wards (Rafi)

Karen, we will keep you in our prayers. You got this ❤️
  • about 2 months ago
  • with donation

Michele Brown

Karen, praying for you and your sweet family! 💜
  • 2 months ago
  • with donation


I’m sorry I don’t have more to offer financially but I will continue with my unlimited prayers for you! 💕 you’ve got this you strong, beautiful force of a woman!!!!!
  • 3 months ago
  • with donation

Karen Rodriguez

Queen! You got this! Keep your beautiful positive energy and trust the Lord above anything else. I’m rooting for you! You’re a strong cookie!
  • 3 months ago
  • with donation
Give Money
  • Created Jun 19, 2024
  • Illness

Support Registry

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One place for all support

Managing tough times is hard enough. We provide one place to bring together all of a family's support needs.

Supporter-led and families-first

Families don't always know what they need. We make it fast and simple to offer support, reducing the responsibility on families.

Transparency and Trust

Safe, secure, and transparent options to support families in tough times.