In Support of Karel and David Ganzini

Hello family and friends,

I'm reaching out with an update on our situation. As many of you know, we chose to live in our fifth-wheel in August of 2015 because maintaining a big house and lawn was too much for us with our disabilities and being new empty nesters. We both became disabled in our early 40's. While this lifestyle offers simpler living and exciting travel opportunities, health challenges and recent financial issues have made things very difficult. David's had several surgeries and still suffers from chronic back pain and struggles to walk. David had a second bad e-bike accident in August of last year, breaking over a dozen bones, including the Femur just above his artificial knee, and landing him in the hospital and then a physical rehabilitation center for three weeks. I’ve also had my struggles, especially after our second round of COVID in November of 2022 left me with Long-COVID. I've also had several interventions and surgeries with little to no relief. Most recently, a broken and abscessed tooth makes eating painful. I am scheduled to have a root canal and have my abscess cleaned out in July. Then, I need to get a build up and crown. Most of the cost will be covered by my insurance. My health (Fibromyalgia, Chronic Migraine with aura, chronic back and neck pain, CFS, RLS,  IBS,  GERD, Insomnia, Chronic Sinusitis, Eustachian Tube Disorder, TMJ, CPTSD and depression...) keeps me mostly at home now, which affects our happiness. We celebrated twenty years of marriage on Valentine's Day of this year.

We’re seeking your support in a few key areas. We need help around the house and could use some volunteer assistance to fix minor issues in our RV. Prayer is also something we believe in deeply and would greatly appreciate. Additionally, if you’re able, you can contribute money towards our $10,000 goal to cover some of our medical/dental bills, credit card payments and living expenses. We can get a debt consolidation loan after some of our debts are paid down. Providing meals would really help too, as David is struggling to cook, and pain and illness often leaves me too exhausted to help. I have food sensitivities and allergies so we'd need to discuss these first. We have a lot of food on hand, but our chronic pain and my illnesses leave us with limited energy to prepare it. 

Your support means the world to us. You can make a big difference in our lives by taking one or more of the following actions:

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Karel Ganzini

Organized by Karel Ganzini.


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  • Created Jun 17, 2024
  • Health Decline

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