In Support of Keep Mattie McKoy Rolling

Mattie McKoy is 15 years old and lives with mitochondrial disease and neurofibromatosis type one. He has multiple spinal cord tumors that are slowly taking away his ability to walk, breathe, and function.
Mattie has had numerous surgeries to prevent the spinal cord tumors from compressing his spinal cord, and he is currently on oral chemotherapy to slow down their progress. However, his family was recently told they are out of treatment options and that there is nothing else that can be done to stop disease progression.
After getting numerous outside medical opinions to confirm the situation, Mattie's family has decided to do everything possible to give Mattie and his siblings the best quality of life they possibly can.
Because of these tumors, Mattie is wheelchair dependent and recently got a power wheelchair approved by his health insurance. However, his family does not have a wheelchair van to get the power chair out and about without great dificulty.
The biggest unmet need Mattie has is access to a wheelchair van. A family friend has a generously offered to sell us their gently used, low mileage wheelchair van for a very low cost. This will be a huge blessing for Mattie and his entire family.

Any assistance towards the cost of this van would be greatly appreciated by Mattie and his family.

Update: we have been able to purchase the wheelchair van. Now, funds are being used to meet Mattie's and our family's needs as his disease progresses.

Mattie has been very sick this past year and hospitalized frequently. Right now, he's getting pediatric concurrent hospice care. This means Mattie can receive both treatments to make him better (curative services) and comfort care (hospice services) at the same time. This gives Mattie the best chance to feel good while still trying to get better. As needs change over time, the Support Registry will update.

We have a Meal Train and an Amazon Wish List to also support Mattie and our family's needs (both fun and physical). You can also send gift cards for meal delivery services on the Meal Train link if desired. This is a huge support when Mattie is in the hospital. The Amazon Wish List has some fun items for Mattie and his sibling to enjoy as well as some practical needs as well. The kids LOVE getting the items and the surprises. It brings them a lot of joy.

Support Registry

Browse all the options to help, in one place.

Michael McKoy

Organized by Katie McKoy and Michael McKoy.

Gift Cards

Words of Support

Donate, send meals, or lend a hand to include words of support.

Debbie Harrison

Your all in my thoughts and prayers
  • 8 days ago
  • with donation

Sandra Grant

Praying for Mattie's healing and recovery. Mattie is loved by all. Sending positive thoughts from Trinidad and Tobago.
  • 8 days ago
  • on 'September 07, 2024 Update' update


Will keep Mattie in Prayer
  • 27 days ago
  • with donation

Ann D

You all are fighting a good fight! I'm glad you all are together to support each other. Praying for you all.
  • about 2 months ago
  • on 'July 23, 2024 Update' update


Hope this helps!
  • about 2 months ago
  • with donation


Sending lots of love to the McKoys!
  • about 2 months ago
  • with donation
Give Money
  • Created Nov 20, 2023
  • Illness

Support Registry

Browse all the options to help, in one place.

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One place for all support

Managing tough times is hard enough. We provide one place to bring together all of a family's support needs.

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Families don't always know what they need. We make it fast and simple to offer support, reducing the responsibility on families.

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