Support Registry Update

“The Strength to Keep Going”

In support of
Emily Powers
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Today Emily completed her 4th round of chemo, crossing the halfway mark.

She victoriously leaves behind the strongest “Red Devil” concoction (get behind her, Satan!) and now enters the back half of her chemo journey, which will   be 12 treatments condensed into FOUR. A slightly revised plan based on her incredible endurance thus far. To God be  the glory!

On the horizon:
Upon completion of her chemotherapy in early October, she will move to her Radiation plan (Oct/Nov) and end the year with an elective, risk-reducing Hysterectomy (Dec). 

Her specific prayer requests in this transition period are:
• no neuropathy
• my liver enzymes stay stable
• won't lose any fingernails/toenails

In closing, Em asked I share this special note with you all…

“I just wanted to express my gratitude for all the love and support you've shown me through those amazing encouragement cards! It means the world to me that you've kept me in your thoughts and prayers. Your kind words and touching remarks in each card have given me the strength to keep going and reassurance that I am not alone during this journey. Thanks to you, I feel surrounded by caring friends and family who are thinking of and praying for me. I can't put into words how much your support means to me. I love and appreciate each and every one of you!”

This picture was taken today when I got to present Emi with all of your cards and gifts of encouragement! She was so deeply touched to hear from so many of you that took the time to love on her via snail mail. You are helping her in this time more than you know. Never underestimate the power of kindness. We sure love you all dearly and will continue updating you along the way. 

Little Sister, 

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Connie Weimer

I have and will continue to pray for you 🙏 ❤️
  • about 2 months ago