Support Registry Update

The Final Quarter

In support of
Emily Powers
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It's been awhile since we've published an update, but a lot of life has happened in the last 7 weeks or so. I'll try to give an update in chronological order...

On September 16th, I (little sister, Stephanie) underwent my Preventative Mastectomy + Reconstruction surgery. When I learned through genetic testing that I was BRCA+ about 5 years ago, I had already decided this surgery would be on my radar once our youngest started Kindergarten, due to the recovery period. In the meantime, I researched, consulted with, and handpicked my medical team. Then underwent countless preventative screenings (via Mammograms, MRI's, Ultrasounds, Biopsies, etc.) until my surgery could take place last month. People often ask if Emily's diagnosis was "my why", and while it was certainly an added assurance I was doing the right thing (albeit still perceived as extreme to some), I credit it to God's timing.

2024 has been a particularly difficult year, but I believe He knew walking this year alone was not an option -- for Emily or for me. And much like we had babies at the same time, having the "Yes, that's normal" or "You need to call your nurse about that one" phone calls, has been the sense of sisterhood in the storm. He knows we need community.

I share this personal insert because I hope following along Em's updates doesn't make you feel sorry for her (she echos the same sentiment). But rather, it INSPIRES you to take ownership of your health. Move your bodies, fuel it well, have regular check ups with  your doctors. We all have genetic predispositions, so don't WAIT for bad news. Stay healthy enough so that if/when you do get bad health news, you are starting in a healthy spot.

Moving on...

Emily finished her last chemo treatment on October 2nd, and in true Em fashion, requested no one attend or make a big deal out of her "ringing the bell". Attention has never been her thing, so we celebrated over food and kids running around instead :)

This means she's halfway through her "active treatment". And with Chemotherapy now complete, she begins Radiation this Monday October 21st, and will go daily (for 28 consecutive weekdays) until Thanksgiving Eve. Whew! It's a lot for her mentally, and a lot physically, mostly with the side effect of radiation-burn to her chest.

She's got me (sister, Steph) to keep her kids for these daily Radiation treatments and all of YOU to help us pray her through this next step. More on those specific ways to pray at the bottom.

On November 18th, she will have her Chemo Port removed from her chest during an in-office visit with her Breast Surgeon. This day marks her 6 month mastectomy post-op. What a relief to have this finally taken out!

And on December 4th, she will end this entire experience with a Full Hysterectomy (removal of both Ovaries, Fallopian Tube, and Uterus). She says people ask her a lot why this step? (A) Because it's a prevention of Ovarian Cancer, the second leading risk (behind Breast Cancer) as a BRCA+ patient. (B) Also because the Estrogen-Inhibitor medicine she will be on for the next 7-10 years (which blocks estrogen from being in her body to prevent a reoccurrence of Breast Cancer) which can cause Uterine Cancer itself. Our health is such a delicate balance, and what a gift modern medicine is to know these risks and be able to be proactive! Her recovery will consist of lifting/bending restrictions for 6-8 weeks, and the triggered onset of menopause of course.

Her spirit is strong and focused on enjoying Thanksgiving and Christmas time with Preston & the kids this Q4. Life just feels extra special this year, so we've got to celebrate and enjoy those family moments as much as we can!

We're praying for Emily to have minimal side effects with Radiation in the coming weeks - burning and fatigue. And that it will just fly by!

She continues to feel the support from all of you that have previously given, allowing her monthly housekeeping to continue through December. What a practical gift this has been for her physically-drained body.

In addition to your most-desired prayers, several of you have sweetly reached out to check in and ask if there is anything else that would be helpful in this final quarter of her fight, so in an effort to communicate in one place, I offer these ideas below. You can donate through this website and note what you'd like it to go towards (example: $5 Coffee Gift Card, $25 Gas Gift Card, etc.)

(1) A Coffee Gift Card - there's nothing like a warm cup on those long commutes to/from doctor's visits.

(2) An Instacart Gift Card - most food delivery services do not deliver to her house because of its location. It is, however, very easy for her to order groceries from Publix and have Preston pick up something fresh on the way home.

(3) Gas Gift Card - driving 1 hour round trip, daily for 4 weeks, during her Radiation treatments will certainly add up. This would help "support a drive" to her treatment(s).

(4) Extending Housekeeper Service ($130/monthly cleaning) through her Hysterectomy recovery.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or text me at 256-962-3168.

In closing, sharing a picture of her ringing the bell & of us sisters last month, one week post-my surgery. We sure love and appreciate your support for our sweet Em. Please keep praying, and don't forget to schedule a Mammogram in her honor this month!


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Wow is the best I got. God is so so good and so faithful he hears our prayers and blesses us all daily. I so love the way you two sisters love and take care of one another. It blesses me and I know it blesses your precious parents. Please know you both and your families will be in our prayers. With love, Carlton and Jane Lafferty
  • 4 days ago