Support Registry Update

No Place Like Home

In support of
Emily Powers
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There's no place like home! Emily was discharged from the hospital today and has made it home to begin healing and resting comfortably. She will heal for about a month, then prepare for her Port Surgery sometime in late May.

She and Preston are so overwhelmed with gratitude for how loved you guys have made them feel! 

Trauma has such an interesting way of bringing our willingness to accept help full circle. It's especially difficult as adults to accept an unsolicited, radical life change - who has time for that? But when we allow God to really take care of His children, through the community He has blessed us with, we can fully walk through the fire before us.

And when we come out of the fire, He has refined us. Refined us for a new purpose in life. He's never finished writing our life stories, and Emily is doing an amazing job trusting His perfect plan for this next life chapter. She will come out on the other side of this Breast Cancer journey with an incredible testimony only she can share. A new lease on life. And a unique perspective on loving on others who will also be touched by cancer. 

So THANK YOU for your fervent prayers, words of encouragement, meal and housekeeping donations. Your generosity is directly contributing to the beautiful testimony God is writing in their lives! What a gift to love on others when they need a community the most! She is so so grateful for their village. And I am touched watching it all unfold "in the backseat" as her little sister. Thank you for loving her as much as I do ❤️

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” James 1:2-4


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