Support Registry Update

A "Positive" Post-Op

In support of
Emily Powers
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Emily had her one week post-op appointment today with her surgeon, where many prayers were answered.

All four drains were removed in office, and she was given clearance to finally sleep on her side. Is there anything better than a great night of rest?! She immediately felt physical relief having these removed, and everything continues heal wonderfully. 

Pathology report was also a huge praise, confirming no further spread. The cancerous tumor removed during her mastectomy measured 5cm (a little larger than a golf ball) with negative margins. Five lymph nodes were also removed, one was the known malignant lymph node, and the other four precautionarily taken were clear.

Next steps look like: (1) Meeting with Oncologist next week to discuss Chemotherapy plan (2) Meeting again with Surgeon on May 16 to look at healing process and discuss surgery for Port Placement. 

Prayer requests in interium: (1) Pain relief under right arm from lymph node removal and that (2) the healing process continues to progress well.

We expect to share an update with you after meeting with Oncologist next week! Thank you all for continuing to pray for Emily daily as she beats this Breast Cancer once and for all!!!

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Lauren Bacon

Awesome news!!! Continued prayers for healing.
  • 5 months ago

Nikki Whaley

Great news ! Continued prayers for you!
  • 5 months ago

Tana Britt

What a GREAT DAY to have the drains removed AND have such an encouraging pathology report! TO GOD BE THE GLORY 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 Emily, I’ve always been proud to be your Mama…. But you’ve taken it to a new level for how you’re handling all the poking and prodding with such grace and a sweet spirit! Love you 🥰
  • 5 months ago

Jill Meggs

Continuing to pray for you, beautiful Emily! Your story is already impacting more than you know - you are glowing brighter than ever even in the midst of this darkness. Thanking Jesus for this update today! His strength is made perfect in our weakness! We love you!! - Jordan, Jill, & Max
  • 5 months ago

Connie Weimer

Praise The Lord. So many prayers answered. Will continue to pray for all of you 🙏 ❤️
  • 5 months ago

Dawn Gilley

Continued prayers for complete healing.
  • 4 months ago