In Support of Childers Leukemia Cancer Fund

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Don Childers was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia (Hairy Cell/57%survival rate over 5yr period) in August of 2023. 

He has undergone intense chemotherapy and immunotherapy over the last several months. The prognosis of this therapy has not been promising... He, and his Doctor, are currently seeking Clinical Trials at this time.  Don has been unable to return to part-time, let alone full time employment. Thus, depleting his savings, and the bills are stacking up.

Don's largest fear as of now, is losing the home that he and his partner have recently purchased due to his inability to return to work. This leaves 100% of the financial responsibilities of this monthly obligation on his partner, as well as other everyday/monthly expenses. They are barely meeting these needs. If Don's partner becomes ill and misses a day of work, then they will fall behind on bills.

To increase the hardship of his situation, Don's only vehicle has broken down and now he depends on others to get him to and from his appointments.

Don is a very proud man, and would rather struggle (using up energy reserves desperately needed for possible recovery) to get financial needs met, then to swallow his pride and ask for help.


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Don Childers

Organized by Leigh Richey and Don Childers.


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  • Created Nov 23, 2023
  • Illness

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One place for all support

Managing tough times is hard enough. We provide one place to bring together all of a family's support needs.

Supporter-led and families-first

Families don't always know what they need. We make it fast and simple to offer support, reducing the responsibility on families.

Transparency and Trust

Safe, secure, and transparent options to support families in tough times.