Support Registry Update

Strike two….

In support of
Bobby Worthington
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Strike two….

In baseball there are three strikes and you’re out. I wish chemo was the same. Just three strikes against cancer and it would be OUT.

Instead, coach gets many strikes to knock cancer out of the park. And today he completed strike two!

Yesterday Will drove in town from Kentucky to surprise him. Word on the street from the stadium fans is that his reaction was priceless. 

I’m pleased to say neither Coach nor Will was ejected from the game today. They tend to have too much fun together at times…and share the same love language of poking fun, telling long stories, and making you laugh so hard you cry. 

There is NO DOUBT that Will Worthington was the best medicine Coach received today.

After the clinic Will, Coach, and his chemo purse headed home where the team mom had a nice meal prepared. Gdaddy came over to eat with them. 

Speaking of baseball and Gdaddy… breaking news from today…. Check out his article. He played baseball at UT and is the oldest letterman at the University of Tennessee.

Oldest letterman at University of Tennessee owes it all to General Neyland 

Coach tolerated round one fairly well. He had a few days of extreme fatigue and some tummy rumbles with a low appetite. But then bounced back and returned to work and walking the neighborhood.

We pray that with each round he can maintain his energy, his will to fight, his mental strength, his emotional strength, and his stamina. We KNOW he will maintain his spiritual strength no matter what the aforementioned brings. 

2 strikes… 10 more to go….

“Every strike brings me closer to the next homerun”

Let’s keep playing ball and praising the lord 


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sherlon worthington

I know you will stay strong, and your faith will carry you through. We have a merciful God. You are in my prayers every day.
  • 8 months ago

Pamela Wilson

Love reading the updates with the encouraging news. All of the Worthington authors have wonderful writing skills to make us feel we are right there with you – which we are in spirit. Continuing to pray for full recovery!
  • 8 months ago

Craig, Lawrence

Thank you So much for the updates, Maggie. Lots of good news. Thank our LORD!
  • 8 months ago

Robin Kinkelaar

Lifting Bear and his teammates up everyday in prayer for continued healing and strength.
  • 8 months ago

Mark Reed

Thanks for sharing that wonderful article about Bobby's Dad. No doubt about who Bobby's Dad is!! Hang in there Bobby, it's baseball season and I know you are loving it. By the way, I did not know your Dad wore the "tools of ignorance" as well!!
  • 8 months ago

Lane Ritch

I know Bobby’s positive attitude and strong faith will continue to help him fight this! He has the best support system a person can possibly have! Sending lots of love and prayers to you, Bobby! The Ritch family is rooting for you from afar! ❤️
  • 8 months ago

Bill Riheldaffer

Thank You, Maggie for the update! A Physician once said, “ The best medicine for humans is Love “. Someone asked, “ What if it doesn’t work?” He smiled and said, “ Increase the Dose “… 🐻💪🙏🏻🍀🤞😘
  • 8 months ago

Theresa Ward

Keep going strong Bob! You are in my prayers and thoughts daily! Thank you for the updates, I will continue to watch closely for continued good reports!
  • 8 months ago

Hal Henderson

Sandy and I lifted you up today when we drove passed your first house here at the Cliffs on the way to church. Stay Bear strong... you are in our daily prayers. We miss you guys at The Falls and hope to see you soon!
  • 8 months ago