Support Registry Update

Seams and stitches

In support of
Bobby Worthington
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Seams and Sitches. 

The way pitchers change the type of pitch they throw is by changing the way they place their fingers on the stitches of the baseball. There are 108 stitches on the ball and only one continuous seam, though it looks like two. 
If you rip the seam and stitches on a baseball and take it apart it forms a cross. 

I’ve had this picture of my dad on my camera roll since 2012. It’s a picture of him holding an unraveled baseball formed as a cross. With a scripture reading “I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.” Phil 4:13 

I think this is an amazing illustration visually and spiritually of coach’s recent cancer journey.  

He has plenty of old and now new seams and stitchings on his body. Much like baseball seams his scars are raised and tough. But when you unravel the exterior what do you see?? You see the cross.  Coach lives a life that is always pointing others to the cross.  

I know you are eager for me to skip the commercial break and get back to the regularly scheduled program… the game stats.  

Yesterday 9/18 coach had scans at the Mayo Clinic. Today 9/19 he met with his head Doctor to go over the results. 

Scanxiety is a real thing. Even as a Christian. We know God is in control. We believe He has a perfect plan. And we trust He is going to perform a miracle.  But the waiting game is tough!

“Ok guys. It WAS a Grand Slam!  No signs of cancer ANYWHERE.  The ‘suspicious tissue’ area is still there. They met with entire surgical and radiology team and believe the tissue is NOT cancer, and will leave it alone for now and observe. He is very pleased with the scans and told me to go enjoy next 3 months and that we will believe in a ‘cancer free’ result while being aware that these things can come back at any time.  That is why they will continue to scan every 3 months to watch it very closely and be ready to act if reoccurrence presents. But this was everything we could hope for at this juncture. God is and has been so very good to me, and all glory to Him. Love you ALL!!!” 

This is the point in the game when the fans get rowdy….they all stand in unison, hold hands, and do the wave.  

This is where we as Christians get rowdy… let’s all together give all the glory and praise to Jesus Christ.  

Psalm 96:12 says “let the field be joyful and all that is in it.” I don’t know about you but I’ll never look at a baseball field, a ball, or a baseball game the same again.  

Coach is excited to have three months in the off season. No shots, no lab work, no appointments, and no chemo. 3 months of just living in the hope and believe of being cancer free. 

In 3 months he will return to the Mayo Clinic for another round of scans. And that will be the program for the foreseeable future. 

We are overwhelmed and overjoyed. Thank you for being the greatest fans in the stands. Thank you for loving coach and the entire team Worthington so well. It was easy to keep playing ball, regardless of which team was favored according to statistics, simply because we had YOU cheering us along and believing that the angels in the outfield really would pull us through to victory.  

And since we know that the game is never over until the greatest Coach of all calls us HOME…. 
We will continue to keep playing ball and praising the Lord. 

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Lisa Gibson

I am truly ecstatic to hear this fabulous news and as a big fan am feeling very rowdy!! Bobby you have amazed us all with your strength, positivity, and faith! The Bear has proved he is remarkably strong! I am just thrilled for you and pray that you will continue to heal and have a complete and total recovery. You really did hit this out of the park- Team Worthington is a winner!- PTL!! ❤️🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼❤️
  • 28 days ago

Pamela Wilson

Always pointing others to the cross— the ultimate legacy!!! So thankful for clear scans! Love you Bobby!
  • 28 days ago

God’s Grace.
  • 28 days ago

Martha Grizzle

I just screamed out loud- at home by myself! This is the BEST BEST BEST news! Praise God from whom all blessings flow💛 Yall go have some fun!
  • 28 days ago

Lane Ritch

This is such wonderful news! I hope you all enjoy some much deserved “time off”! We will continue to pray for you, Bobby and all of tour precious family! Sending much love for the Ritch family ❤️
  • 28 days ago

Pam Tallmadge

God I Good - Prayers continue!!!!
  • 28 days ago

Renee Jones

Praising the Lord with you guys!!
  • 28 days ago

Bill Bibat

ISAG Strong!
  • 28 days ago

Sarah Brown

Oh my goodness I am crying for y’all. I am so so so happy to hear this news. Hugs to the whole Worthington family!
  • 28 days ago

Theresa Ward

When reading this recent report I had "latest reportziety". I was holding my breath and boy did I read fast! I am thrilled to hear that you are free and clear of that awful attack on your body and praising God for walking you through with such an beautiful testimony of resilience and grace to all of us who followed along in prayer!
  • 28 days ago

Gail Osborne

Praise the Lord!!!!! So overwhelmed with thankfulness and gratefulness at what an awesome God we serve! Continued prayers! Wow!🙌🏼
The rowdy fans are showing out in force!
  • 28 days ago

Keri Sewell

I'm so glad!! I dreamt about the results last night and prayed hard for you guys. Enjoy the 3 month rest!!
  • 27 days ago

John Wilson

To God be the Glory. I'm anxious to see how He will use Bobby's living testimony in the days, weeks, months, and years to come!
  • 27 days ago

Mark Reed

Thank you Lord for this wonderful news!! Bobby, Piper and Family we send our love and gratitude to you for your Faithfulness during this very stressful time for you all. Great news and we will continue to hold you in prayer for continuation of this good news.
  • 27 days ago

Jimmy Hignight

My dear friend Bobby is showing whoever is watching and listening how to fight the Giants in our lives. If you don't believe in miracles, just look at this man of great faith and courage.
Isaiah 40:31
Jimmy Hignight
  • 24 days ago


I got chills reading this!! So thrilled to hear good news. Thanks Maggie for the update and hope Bob is feeling more himself each day.
  • 23 days ago