Support Registry Update

Coach returns to the game after getting ejected.

In support of
Bobby Worthington
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When a coach "gets out of the game and comes back," it typically means they were ejected from the game….
Coaches are ejected from the game for a variety of reasons, but then later they can return to the sidelines after serving a suspension period. 
This time a year ago coach had just started back coaching baseball at Wesleyan. Only a few weeks into the season pancreatic cancer ejected him from the game. He then served a grueling “suspension period” on the sidelines. 
But as the rule book states, a coach may return to the field when their suspension period is over.
🎤Ladies and gentleman. May I have your attention please. Please stand to your feet in the stands…. As we proudly welcome back COACH WORTHINGTON to the diamond. (The crowd goes wild) 

You see… great coaches don’t just teach the game; great coaches teach LIFE through the game.  

Coach still has coaching left to do. The Almighty League Commissioner has made that very clear in His promises to us: His word remains true. He still performs miracles. His mercies are new every morning. His love endures forever. He provides strength for the weary. He hears our prayers. He will meet our needs. And ALL things will work out for the good of those that love Him. 

This picture truly does represent a thousand words. The picture on the left is coach sitting up at the Mayo Clinic after just having an extremely difficult Whipple procedure, yet proudly displaying the team ball and jersey from his players back home. The picture on the right (exactly a year later) shows a pancreatic cancer survivor wearing the uniform and headed out the door to coach his players yet again. 

We are overwhelmed with gratitude and praise to our loving Heavenly Father (“The Great League Commissioner”) for His continued blessings bestowed upon our family. And we feel so very loved and supported by our fans. Thank you for following our journey, for continued check-ins, for ongoing prayers, and for cheering us on. A new game is just beginning. ⚾️

Go ahead. Put yourself in coach; you’re ready to play! 

Let’s keep playing ball and praising the Lord! 

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Jim Berryhill

What an inspiration and testament to God's grace and mercy.

I have such fond memories of the many times Coach intersected with our lives and know he's in the game because of the tremendous work God does through him with young and old alike. Thank you for the updates.
  • 29 days ago

Andrea Shupert

What a gift of life from the Ultimate Coach of Coaches! So happy for you to be able to coach our boys, again!
  • 29 days ago

Liz Byrd

God is so good!
  • 29 days ago

Gil Isbell

Bobby, behind you 110%. YES, you are back. You have been on a difficult journey but the love of family, friends and God has helped you prepare for your return. YOU ARE LOVED! Always remember, Through LOVE, all is possible!
  • 28 days ago

Pam Tallmadge

  • 28 days ago

Gail Osborne

The most wonderful game report! Continued prayers!
  • 28 days ago

Jimmy Hignight

Keep swinging Brother Man. Life is a ball game and you are playing it well.
Isaiah 40:31
  • 28 days ago

Theresa Ward

Oh my goodness! This is so cool! Go Bob and thank you for keeping us posted. It is so encouraging to see what God continues to do with you! 🐝
  • 28 days ago

birdie Porter

This is so wonderful. I have goosebumps after reading the post. God is amazing and so is Bob!
  • 21 days ago