Support Registry Update

Angels in the Outfield

In support of
Bobby Worthington
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“There are angels in the outfield. All you have to do is believe”   

It just seems fitting to keep the baseball theme going and quote the movie Angels in the Outfield.

Because today we saw them!! 

Bobby and Piper met today with a team at the Mayo Clinic.

They reviewed his CT and lab work from Atlanta and they conducted their own imaging and lab work. 

Though they confirmed the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is correct…. They told them that dad has the best case scenario!!


“BEST” hasn’t even been in our vocabulary since Thursdays news. Just google pancreatic cancer and you won't find a "best" scenario. 

For starters, dad’s tumor is growing in an area of the pancreas that allowed him to notice warning signs FAR earlier than most. This means his cancer was caught early and that in and of itself is rare for this particular monster.

Second, dad is a great candidate for surgery. The particular operation is very difficult to perform and recovery is rough. But we know this former athlete can handle getting hit by a few more pitches.

Third, this surgeon performs more “whipple surgeries” than any other surgeon in the US. Okay, God, we see you orchestrating every single detail! And he told dad that he has cleared his schedule and will operate on him THIS WEDNESDAY morning!

Fourth, the MRI and additional tests that were performed today at Mayo revealed news we already know, and no additional unexpected news was found—praise!

Fifth, he will most definitely need rounds of chemotherapy at a later time once he recovers from this daunting surgery. The good news is that he will be able to return home to Atlanta to have chemo there. And he will return as needed to Mayo for additional monitoring.

Tomorrow will be more pre-op work at the hospital to gear up for the big day on Wed.

While the diagnosis is still not desirable…. The treatment options and prognosis are HOPEFUL! To God be all the praise and glory.   

A few weeks ago Craig (Bob’s son-in-law) pointedly asked him “what are you doing to show Christ to others you encounter on a daily basis at work? And, how certain are you that all of your coworkers are believers?” This promoted him to pray a prayer that went something like this… “God, help use me as a vessel to point others to you whatever the cost.” And today he told me that he feels certain this journey is now his platform to bear witness to the good news—not just the good news of a more hopeful “terminal” diagnosis…. But the good news of a Savior who has come to save each and every one of us.

Please keep the prayers coming—they are working—and we are already experiencing so many miracles.

We will update after surgery on Wednesday.

Put him in coach… he’s ready to play! 

#BearStrong ๐Ÿป





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Keri Sewell

Overall such great news! And knowing the next step is so much better than the unknown. Love you guys!
  • 7 months ago

Matt Karempelis

Amen. Letโ€™s all keep praying!
  • 7 months ago

Linda McElwaney

Recent uodate
  • 7 months ago

Zach Young

Keep the good news coming!
  • 7 months ago

Carly Siegel

That is such great news! Praying that the surgery goes well and recovery is as easy as possible.
  • 7 months ago

Margaret Burg

Iโ€™m Praying for you Bobby!
  • 7 months ago

Pamela Brown

We are fervently praying for you and your familyโ€ฆsending hugs and love at this time . You Got This โšพ๏ธ
  • 7 months ago

Jenny Ferris

Covering you in prayer!
  • 7 months ago

Corey Stone

Prayers for a successful surgery on Wednesday! Godโ€™s got this! โค๏ธ
  • 7 months ago

Pam Lawrwnce

Wonderful news, Maggie. God is still in the miracle business. Praying without ceasing.
  • 7 months ago

Missy Hamlin

Covering Bob and his surgeon in prayer for successful surgery. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ
  • 7 months ago

Heidi Lloyd

That is all so promising. Clearly Good is at work in this. Praying for the surgery.
  • 7 months ago

Kelly Clements

I am so glad that you guys got some good news. Praying for you Bobby. So thankful for the opportunity to grow up living next door to you guys. Love all of the Worthington's and praying for God's complete healing and many many more memories and LOTS of years with your precious family. love you all!
  • 7 months ago

Jess Eaton

Prayers for the entire Worthington family.
  • 7 months ago

Jess Eaton

Prayers for the entire Worthington family.
  • 7 months ago

Dianne Fossett

Praise the holy name of Jesusโ€”Master and Savior and LORD of ALL
  • 7 months ago

Laura Pugh

Craig and I are praying for the doctor(s) performing Bob's surgery and a successful outcome. Prayers for Bob and the entire Worthington family.
  • 7 months ago

sherlon worthington

Iโ€™m shocked to hear this, but praying for the best results ever. I will keep you in my prayers daily. Sending you love and asking for a speedy recovery. ๐Ÿ™
  • 7 months ago

Bonnie Hayes

Such great news! God is with him, a faithful servant. Praying every step of the way ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
  • 7 months ago

Mary Haase

Such good news that they can and will operate fast!!
We will be Cheering from the hinterlands in new jersey. Sometimes those in the cheap, top of the stadium seats cheer the loudest. We will pray and be hopeful. This family team cant be beat!
  • 7 months ago

Steve Makovsky

You meet people along the path of life that you choose to emulate. Bob clearly made the list for me. Babe Ruth said "Every strike brings me closer to the next home run" Keep Swinging Bob! You got this!
  • 7 months ago

Andrea Shupert

Maggie, soo praying for your dad, mom, and the entire family! What a witness you all have been over the years to me and so many others. Trusting that God's plan involves bringing many into the kingdom!
  • 7 months ago

Karen Roach

That is great news!! Will continue to pray for you and your family as well as the doctors and nurses. "We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name." Psalm 33:20-21 NIV
  • 7 months ago

Awais Ahmed

I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this Mr. Bob. Me and my family's prayers are with you and your family. Stay strong and I am sure you will come out of this #StayStrong
  • 7 months ago

Donna Dixon

Praying for Bob, Piper, and all of the sweet Worthington family. There is so much love surrounding all of you.
  • 7 months ago

Van Bunch

What a difference a day makes! So happy to hear this prognosis. Good luck, Balboa!
  • 7 months ago

Deborah Kelleher

This update is such a blessing! Continuing to cover you all in prayers.
  • 7 months ago

David Cooper

Prayers from the Coopers!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ
  • 7 months ago

Joyce and Tritt

Bobby and Piper,
We just found out and are wishing you good luck for tomorrow. We will say our Jewish Prayer for you for a complete recovery. We know the road is hard, but you are strong and we are sending you extra strength from our virtual hugs.
Joyce and Ramie
  • 7 months ago

Pat Page

This is just like our amazing encouraged to hear this news! We are praying daily and I know the Lord will use this for His glory in many ways~Praying for a successful surgery tomorrow. Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow!
  • 7 months ago

Madison Cole

Bob, there has been no greater supporter than you for the Lord and the Lord's work.
As my dad had the same diagnosis, I can relate. And like my Dad, you will see this through.
Love Matt Cole
  • 7 months ago

patti sanders

Sending much love and many prayers. ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ
  • 7 months ago

Claudia Daniels

๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผprayers going up blessings coming down ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ
  • 10 days ago