Support Registry Update

Almost game time

In support of
Bobby Worthington
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Please join us in the stands to cheer for Coach Bob tomorrow (2/7/24) as he reports for surgery at 5:30 am. They expect a lengthy surgery, up to 8 hours. The surgery is so technical it has its own special name... "The Whipple Procedure." Coach loves to get technical... just ask my 3 year old how it is when Bear corrects his baseball swing!  

Today he had another CT scan and met with the anesthesia team. And I'm proud to report that the team is ready to play ball. 

By the grace of God all scans have been reassuring. They believe his tumor is isolated to the pancreas and there is no evidence of any further spread of cancer in any other part of his body! 
strike one for the enemy!***  

By the grace of God they believe he will make it through this surgery just fine...and though recovery will be tough he will be fully capable of a full physical recovery!
strike two for the enemy!**  

By the Grace of God he has been given the "best case" for the "worst type."  
strike THREE for the enemy!**

God is on pitchers mound
and Bob is ready to swing with faith!   

One of my dad's close friends, Clay Gibson, said "Coach Bob is full of faith, family, friends, and fight!" That's a lot of good F words! 

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the texts, prayers, and love. We feel the power of prayer and know that God is the great physician. We have faith and claim victory over cancer in Jesus name!  

#BearStrong 🐻


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Joel Koblentz

We’re in the game with you…Your fight is our fight… and know our prayers will be received!
  • 7 months ago


Maggie! You’re the best! We all appreciate you taking the lead and the “pen” to keep us all informed! Anyone that knows Bob knows he’s full of that competitive spirit and he is crafty at having a fighting spirit yet in a subtle and cunning way!! He’s always swinging for the fence (and beyond)!
  • 7 months ago

Carole Crighton

Praying for my dear friend and all the family. Bob is a truly great man of faith and I love him!
  • 7 months ago

Beth Colquitt

Hi Maggie. This is Beth Colquitt. Your Dad coached both of my sons… Brooks and Mason Colquitt. We live half the year in Ponte Vedra Beach. Is your Dad at the Jacksonville Mayo? We are very close to that location. We will be praying for him tomorrow and the days following. Love your sweet Daddy!
  • 7 months ago

Becca Weissinger

We’ll alll cheer heartily when that tumor is ejected from the game tomorrow! Go Bear!
  • 7 months ago

Lane Ritch

Praying for Bobby and all of you! I know he is in the best hands and has the best doctors for this procedure! God bless you all! Much love to the Worthington family! I know God will take care of Bobby tomorrow and always!
  • 7 months ago

Laura Skinner

I appreciate these updates so very much....You are a fabulous writer and STRIKE 3 against the enemy for sure. Phil and I are in the bleachers cheering God's wisdom on the surgeon throughout the surgery and for Full recovery. We love you, your family and we keep our eyes focused ON HIM.
My friend, Debbie Strickland, a pancreatic cancer survivor, reminded me of this:
Don't tell God how big your storm is....Tell the storm HOW BIG YOUR GOD IS
Sending you prayers for God's Peace....xoxo Laura Skinner
  • 7 months ago

Stephanie Kenney

You got this! We have you in our hearts and prayers. All our love
  • 7 months ago


Maggie, I have a friend who had the same surgery several years ago and did just great. She is still doing great. It is a big surgery but what a blessing it is because it saves so many lives. Cheering y’all on with big prayers.
  • 7 months ago

Page Gilliam

Praying big prayers tonight!!
  • 7 months ago

Gail Osborne

Sending so many prayers for all of the team involved in his care and for strength and courage for all of his family. Love you all! 🙏🏼
  • 7 months ago

Deb Lorberbaum

Maggie.. you all are in our thoughts and prayers. My friend Faye had the same surgery about 15 years ago. She’s doing great. Your dad is going to win this ballgame with complete healing. Stay strong !! Sending lots of love, hugs and prayers!! 💖❤️💖❤️
  • 7 months ago

Lisa Howard

Sending my heart full of love and prayers. God has this.
  • 7 months ago

Theresa Ward

Honored to be on the prayer team of this great man of God.
  • 7 months ago

Staci Hancock

White light🙏🏻
You’re in our prayers
The Hancock Cousins
  • 7 months ago

Ron Cameron

Head Coach God always in control and all of us on the side are cheering big thru prayers!
  • 7 months ago

Alice Mikos

Praying and expecting God’s grace to hit this out of the ballpark. I’m a PNG friend of Craig’s dad.
  • 7 months ago

Jim Berryhill

Lifting up Bob and his loved ones.
  • 7 months ago

Christian Stark

Stark family is praying for Coach Bob!! No one in this world like him. Full of Faith!
  • 7 months ago

Sarah Brown

Sending all my love to your dad and your whole sweet family!
  • 7 months ago

Brian Krehmeyer

Wesleyan Baseball stands proudly by Coach Worthington’s side.
  • 7 months ago

Mike Shaheen

Love you, Bob, Piper and all other Worthingtons. The Shaheens love yall so much and will be in prayer for healing, peace and rest. Bob, you are one of my most impactful mentors of my life. Can’t wait to talk to you for 2-3 hours on the phone again soon. Brian and I will be coaching against each other next Tuesday at Gaebelein Field and you will be the most talked about person in our conversations. Love you!
  • 7 months ago

Laura Pugh

Maggie, looking forward to your next update on a successful surgery! Prayers, love, and hugs to you all.
  • 7 months ago

Allison Wright

The Wrights are praying for you Coach!!!! You have already made such an impact on 2 of our boys on the Wesleyan baseball field the past few weeks. Love and prayers for complete healing.!!
  • 7 months ago

Michael Cowart

The Cowart Clan is praying for you Coach Bob, believing God's grace will sustain you and His healing touch will make you whole.
  • 7 months ago